Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Israel Marcano (@dj1srael) tweeted at 11:58 AM on Tue, Jul 16, 2013: FREE DOWNLOAD!!! ‘Inner City - Good Life - DJ1SRAEL Remix’ by @dj1srael on #SoundCloud? ( Get the official Twitter app at

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wow that robot sure looks human!

A few years ago IBM announced they were developing computers with processors that could mimic the human brain's cognition, perception, and action abilities. No lie, this technology does exist. It's not such a stretch to think that the music chart info we post, the playlists & the DJ mixes we share can and probably are analyzed. Will this human emulation by machines be the death of honest artistic expression and people's appreciation of DJ's?

Friday, November 16, 2012

World observation...

There seems to be a pretty blatant disrespect & disregard for others that's running rampant all over the world. The scary thing is most people don't even realize they're being negative or out of order. Best thing to do in my opinion is choose a side. The good guys or the bad guys? Are you gonna walk in peace, love and light or walk in darkness?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The BIG picture...

This music we're all so passionate about, we call underground because it's different. Many people through the years have invested their blood, sweat & tears to bring underground house music to the point where it sits today. If you're a DJ, a producer or promoter today then you need to be aware of the history that brought what you do to this day. This thing we do is a worldwide community supported by many people from many different places & walks of life. It's a movement. Whatever you do should hopefully benefit the movement on a whole as opposed to helping just one person elevate their profile. There's definitely a bigger picture that needs to be seen in order to be of any benefit to the future of what we call underground house.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Real talk for all the DJ's...
Real DJ'ing lives when you witness someone play for hours who takes risks, reads the crowd and surprises the whole party. To the DJs who choose to bypass the LED screen arms race and stick to their decks, I respect that. Just make sure you give your audience something new every night. If you want to play David to deadmau5's Goliath, earn it. Challenge yourself to challenge the crowd. And to all the new fans just discovering this genre, come to the shows with an open mind. Don't just wait to hear the songs you already know. There's a reason you're not watching a band. DJing is still at the cutting edge of new music. Let yourself be surprised!

-Taken from a recent blog post made by DJ A-Trak